Acupuncture and fertility, a natural pair

Angie-Kociolek--sperm-and-egg image for fertility improvement with acupuncture

As a Licensed Acupuncturist, I practice holistic medicine and one of my areas of special interest is fertility and helping women get pregnant naturally. Men and women can be challenged when it comes to being able to conceive. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs can be useful to re-balance the physical body, enhance fertility and calm the … Read more

Not getting pregnant? Here’s another key reason to chart BBT


When trying to conceive turns into a mystery and a labor of love, charting basal body temperature (BBT) is a proactive and inexpensive way to find some answers.  What you’ll need: A digital basal thermometer A paper or digital way to record cycle day on the x axis and waking temperature on the y axis … Read more

Three good reasons to include acupuncture in post partum care


Last week I saw Melissa Bang’s performance of “Playing Monopoly with God” and attended her meet & greet with Bozeman area professionals to expand and diversify the medical model for post partum women. In addition to services such as naturopathy, mental health counseling, and lactation consulting, acupuncture is a great option for post partum care.  … Read more

When I knew I would become a mom – Despite the odds

angie kociolek bozeman acupuncturist

I didn’t decide that I wanted to be a mother until I was 36 years old. It’s not so much that I was taking my fertility for granted. I was just focused more on things like travel, endurance running, and career. I was also concerned about adding to the global population problem. Having a child … Read more