As a Licensed Acupuncturist, I practice holistic medicine and one of my areas of special interest is fertility and helping women get pregnant naturally. Men and women can be challenged when it comes to being able to conceive. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs can be useful to re-balance the physical body, enhance fertility and calm the heart and mind in the process. Colored pencil drawing by the author four years into her infertility journey.
The cool thing is that, depending on your situation and preferences, acupuncture and herbs can be used on their own as an alternative, or as a complement to assisted reproductive technology, such as IVF. If you do decide to seek acupuncture for fertility reasons, expect to commit to at least three months of regular treatment. It takes time to affect and see physical changes and cycles. Additionally, acupuncture can safely be used during pregnancy and beyond childbirth to replenish the body and manage the transitions that come with a newly created family.
Lately, I’ve been immersed in the topic of fertility even outside of the treatment room. On February 26, 2019, I earned continuing education credits for “The Treatment of Infertility – The Complete Course” by Jane Lyttleton, Ph.D. Three days later, wearing my Resolve Infertility Peer Support Group Leader hat, my article was published in Bozeman Magazine. Two days after that, as a member of the planning committee, I attended the 3rd annual Moms Like Me: Shattering the Myth of Post Partum Depression event at The Rialto in Bozeman. Tonight, I facilitated the monthly Resolve Bozeman infertility support group here at The Health Collective. And, in April I’ll be headed to Vancouver, Canada for the Integrative Fertility Symposium! So excited to attend a Lecture by Randine Lewis, Ph.D., the author of “The Infertility Cure: The Ancient Chinese Wellness Program for Getting Pregnant and Having Healthy Babies.” I read her book when I was in my own infertility struggle and now use it a reference in my own practice.
Image: Colored pencil drawing by the author four years into her infertility journey.