Acupuncture can be an interesting hybrid between a medical procedure and a spa-like treatment. While it can address specific health concerns, it also engenders an overall feeling of ease – some clients have even described their experience as “sacred.” That said, my practice, Rootstock Acupuncture, is not a typical medical clinic or spa – it feels more like stepping into the warmth of a home.
As a healthcare practitioner, sure, I use alcohol swabs, ask medical history questions and perform other clinical tasks. As a holistic practitioner, I also create a comforting space that invites pure relaxation in relative silence or with music to calm the mind.
I work with all kinds of people: Those who value science, those who trust their guts, those who seek alternatives, those who use complements to conventional medicine. Something almost all my clients have in common is their desire to feel better and to maintain the feeling when they do.
Acupuncture works with your body’s own internal resources to get back to a state of homeostasis. Sometimes this can happen in one treatment. Other times it can take several to many treatments before an issue is fully resolved. Life is always happening with its own brand of stresses to you. You can think of acupuncture as a process like tending a garden. It’s helpful to have an acupuncturist just as you would a primary care provider or a dentist. This way you are already set up when a problem arises and it’s easy to have regular check-ups – what we call in the acupuncture world ‘seasonal tune-ups!’
I’ve learned that taking care of logistics – payment and scheduling another appointment – is best done before your acupuncture session. This way you don’t have to turn your brain on to write a check or look at your smart phone right away. Instead, you can gently resume your day.
Perhaps the most important thing to expect from me as your acupuncturist is that I value open communication. If you have feedback, concerns or suggestions for improvement, I will listen. Your care and satisfaction, in the moment of an acupuncture treatment and long-term, is my highest priority.
“I wish I could live in there.” – A Rootstock client referring to the treatment room as she gently resumed her day after an acupuncture session.